Executive and stewards
This is your 2018 executive:
Danielle Cook- President
Mike Huxley- Vice President
Thomas Cook-Treasurer
Dave Abramyk- Secretary
- Shop Stewards
Mike Peacock- Water Plant Operator
Bob Karkowetz- Collection and Distributions
Derkek Zbaraschuk- Forestry
Kevin Cook- Sign shop
Al Sabuda- Maintenance
Terry Heidt- Mechanic
- Trustees:
Mike Peacock- Water Plant Operator
Robin Polowski- Roadways
Kevin Weleski- Sanitation
Welcome to the committees page. Here you can find all the committees and it members for your convenience. From the social committee, who plans our various get together, to OHS committee that makes our work place safer for the workers. If you have interest in joining one of these committees please contact one of the executive members.
OHS Committee:
Robin Polowski- Roadways
Al Sabbuda- Maintenance
Even Mccloud- Water Plant Operator
Alex Tkatchuk- Event Worker
Entertainment Committee:
Thomas Cook- Service installer Water
Raquel Anseth – Sanitation
Danielle Cook- Sanitation
Contracting Out Committee:
Darwin Desmarais- Welder
John Ruel- Mechanic
Mike Green- Mechanic
Danielle Cook- Sanitation
Bobby Krakowetz- Water Works
Good & Welfare Committee:
Thomas Cook- Service Installer Water
Sick Bank Committee:
Danielle Cook- Sanitation
Mike Huxley- Roadways
Bylaw Committee
Johnathan Ruel – Mechanic
Terry Heidt – Mechanic
Danielle Cook- Sanitation
Jeremy Steves- Forestry